

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Plant Nursery and Gardening 2020-21



Affiliated to Krishna University




Course code: 20SDCNG2                                                                Total 30hrs (02h/wk),

Credits: 02                                                                                         Max Marks:50



A nursery is a place where small plants and seedlings are grown and nurtured in an open environment which maintains a good quality of plants and protect the plants from pests and diseases.


Gardening involves an active participation in the growing of plants, and tends to be labor-intensive, which differentiates it from farming or forestry. Organic growing demands good practice in soil and water management, and so provides an opportunity to demonstrate sound horticultural understanding. Organic growing uses about ¼ less energy than conventional methods.


Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

1.      To promote skill development at individual level.

2.      Understand the importance of a plant nursery and basic infrastructure to establish it.

3.      Explain the basic material, tools and techniques required for nursery.

4.      Demonstrate expertise related to various practices in a nursery and gardening.

5.      Comprehend knowledge and skills to get an employment or to become an entrepreneur in plant nursery sector and different gardening methods.



Unit-1: Introduction to plant nursery                                                         05 Hrs.

1.       Plant nursery: Definition and importance.

2.       Different types of nurseries –on the basis of duration, plants produced structure used.

3.       Basic facilities for a nursery; layout and components of a good nursery.

4.       Nursery beds – types and precautions to be taken during preparation.


Unit- 2: Necessities and Management of nursery                                                                      05 Hrs.


1.       Growing media, nursery tools and implements, and containers for plant nursery, in brief.

2.       Outlines of vegetative propagation techniques to produce planting material.

3.       Sowing methods of seeds and planting material.

4.       Nursery management – watering, weeding and nutrients; pests and diseases.

5.   Common possible errors in nursery activities.


Unit-3: Gardening techniques                                                                      05 Hrs.


1.       Types of Garden, Kitchen Garden, Terrace garden, Bonsai in Brief

2.        Importance of manure, Organic compost and Hydroponics

3.       Cultivation Procedure of leafy vegetables and different vegetables like ladies’ finger, brinjal, tomatoes and chillies

4.       Cultivation of important flowers (Dahlia, Marigold and Rose).

5.       Storaging and Marketing procedure of Cultivated vegetables.


Practical Oriented Skill Enhancement activities                                                                                        15 Hrs.

1.       Assignments/Group discussion/Quiz/Model Exam.

2.       Demonstration of nursery bed making.

3.       Hands on training on vegetative propagation techniques.

4.       Hands on training on sowing methods of seeds and vegetables.

5.       Invited lecture cum demonstration by local expert.

6.       Watching videos on routine practices in plant nurseries.

7.       Visit to a horticulture /forest /nursery unit.

8.       Case study on establishment and success of a plant nursery, terrace garden and Bonsai plants.


Suggested text books/reference books:


1.       Ratha Krishnan, M., (2014) Plant nursery management: Principles and practices, Central Arid Zone Research Institute (ICAR), Jodhpur, Rjasthan.


2.       Kumar, N., (1997) Introduction to Horticulture, Rajalakshmi Publications, Nagercoil.


3.       Kumar Mishra, K., N.K. Mishra and Satish Chand (1994) Plant Propagation, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.

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